Go Blue for CASA is a fun and impactful way for businesses, schools, and community groups to come together and make a difference in the lives of children in foster care.

Participants donate to CASA and, in return, get to wear their favorite jeans or something blue on a designated day. It’s an easy, morale-boosting event that spreads awareness and gives back to the community.

Join us in creating brighter futures—Let’s all Go Blue for CASA!

For more information, please reach out to hbean@casamsc.org, pfrench@casamsc.org, or call our office at 973-998-7590.

Sign Me Up for Go Blue for CASA!
Please check what best describes your group below.
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Do you want CASA to send you promotional materials?

If you checked 'yes' to promotional materials, please check off what you need and indicate how many of each item. 
